We’ve known that Ecoxotic was nearing a launch of 18″ Panoarama Pro module since last year. Finally, we can say the 18″ Panoarama module has officially been released. The 18″ version comes with 3 modules including two 12,000K/445nm Royal Blue Panorama Pro Modules and one 445nm Royal Blue Panorama Pro Module. Additional features include polished Panoarama Pro reflectors with two inline dimmers. “Inline dimmers allow you to independently control intensity of the white and blue LEDs, and fine-tuning of the color temperature. The LED modules can be moved from left-to-right, providing an adjustable spread for any aqua-scape. With the modular design you can install additional Panorama Pro Modules or Stunner LED strips to add some Magenta or a RGB module for full spectrum.” The 18″ model is priced at $399 and should begin shipping next week. Check the break for another image.
via [Ecoxotic]