Calumia is a genus of sleeper gobies comprising some pretty unique fishes. Not very much is known about them and very little pictures of live specimens are available. The live picture of C. profunda above clearly shows the unique angular fins, along with the trailing filaments on the dorsal and ventral fins which reminds us of the freshwater butterflyfishes in the genus Pantodon. C. profunda can be found in Papua New Guinea with reports from Indonesia. Apart from that, not much else is known about this group of eccentric looking fish.
Calumia sleeper gobies are unique and pretty much unknown
Kai is a systematic ichthyologist at The Australian Museum, Sydney. His research interests combine the use of cutting-edge next generation sequencing techniques with traditional methods of morphology to better understand the evolutionary history of coral reef fishes. He is a legacy ReefBuilders contributor, having previously written close to give hundred articles under his pseudonym LemonTYK.
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