The femininus wrasse has been entering the trade with a little more regularity and the occurrences have not been decreasing yet. That’s great news for fans of this fish. Anampses femininus has got to be single handedly the most stunning species in the genus and B-Box Aquarium just scored a pair. So far only a handful of male specimens have been collected and shame on anyone for thinking that males are any less prettier than the females. Both sexes are equally gorgeous in their own right. This is probably the first ever video of a male femininus wrasse in such clear quality.

B-Box aquarium is responsible for treating us with cool videos of really rare fish such as the Gramma dejongi hybrid and the earl’s fairy wrasse. This time they’ve kindly uploaded a video showing a pair of very healthy feminine wrasses. Both the male and female can be seen in the short video above and man are they gorgeous! Both specimens look beefy and in the pink of health.

With such hype and demand over these overly amazing fishes, it would come as a surprise to most that a single juvenile/female specimen is still up for sale in the Diver’s Den although it probably won’t be there for much longer.