Not only are the Japanese famed for their ability to procure rare fish, they are also well known for their meticulous, sleek and neat reef tanks. Youtube user Pontyandayo’s reef tank is a classic example of a neat, well maintained and healthy system thriving with tabling Acropora and a menagerie of awesome fishes. Be sure to check out the videos in HD.
Pontyandayo’s reef tank features a brighter left side predominated by staghorns and other branching SPS corals, and a cooler right side with mainly tabling Acropora species. This tank unfortunately has changed alot since the video above and now mainly features staghorns and a great reduction in the fish count, but we would still like to highlight the unique and clean setup above which is now no more.
The tank features mainly dwarf angelfish species including C. loricula, C. loricula x C. ferrugata, C. multicolor, C. potteri, C. joculator and one of my favorites, Centropyge colini. There’s also two species from the Paracentropyge genus, a pair of Indian Ocean Pygoplites diacanthus, a Prognathodes marcellae as well as a Chaetodon declivis with a bunch of chromis and other miscellaneous tangs.
While most of the fishes are no longer present in the new updated tank and we’re not sure why, it was truly magnificent then. The colin’s pygmy angelfish is normally a shy species with a poor track record for captivity but looking at it come to the surface for food with the other angels in the video above is quite a sight.