The Avast Marine Zeolite Tumbler is one of those products we’ve heard about, read about and written about, but this weekend at ReefStock in Denver CO we will finally be able to hold it, touch it, and tumble some zeolites in it. If you’re into producing really low nutrient conditions for SPS coral aquariums, then you’ll be familiar with the daily routine of tumbling zeolites in a typical zeolite reactor. In this configuration the zeolites are tumbled once a day, dislodging biofilm to feed corals and exposing new surfaces for colonization by bacteria. With the Avast Marine zeolite tumbler, the reaction chamber can be tumbled numerous times a day, creating a more consistent stream of biofilm particles and keeping zeolite surfaces exposed for colonization.
The Avast Marine zeolite tumbler is almost ready for prime time, a release date hasn’t been set, but we have learned that it will come in three sizes; a two liter for $499, a 4 liter for $599 and a 7 liter for $699, with each liter of zeolite tumbling capacity good for treating 100 gallons of low nutrient water. So get this, not only will ReefStock be the first public showing of the Avast Marine Zeolite Tumbler but we’re gonna raffle it off before you can buy it with a complete kit of Zeovit products courtesy of Proline Aquatics. Can you feel the love? We can, and there will be lots more reef aquarium action here on Reef Builders as we live-blog all the new gear showing up at the Denver Downtown Aquarium for ReefStock 2012.