Micro-Reef is an acrylic aquarium manufacturer that up until recently only offered high quality custom nano aquariums. Now they are releasing an out of the box pico reefsysem. With a coldwater livestock retailer just opened up, they couldn’t have picked better timing. Their coldwater pico reef is claimed to be “the worlds smallest temperate reef tank” and we have no reason to question otherwise. Beside just looking really cool, the neat thing about these tanks is that they come with a modified HOB filter. The HOB is modified in such a way that it fits a CoolWorks Micro-Chiller keeping the Micro-Reef pico coldwater reef at desirable temperatures. The little tank furthermore comes with a T5 fixture and a temperature gauge. Word is that a LED fixture and skimmers will also be added in the future. The system will retail for $299 and can be ordered at the Micro-Reef website.