BioStimulant Crush & BioStimulant Liquid are two new carbon dosing solutions from Thrive Aquatics which combine the best of what we know about dosing biopellets and vokda dosing. The BioStimulant Crush is a small size bio pellet by Thrive which is made from the two most commonly used types of biodegradable plastic and it includes a little bit of aragonite for micro abrasion of the pellets and for a minor amount of pHÂ balance.
250ml pouches of BioStimulant Crush are $39.99 for 250ml and $59.99 for the 500ml, sounds like a little bit more than the other guys for the volume but consider that there is actually a lot more material than the same volume of larger size biopellets. BioStimulant Liquid is actually a mixture of carbon sources, taking a note from proponents of Vodka-Sugar-Vinegar (VSV) users but with different ingredients- Thrive’s liquid carbon is made up of methanol, sugar sources and a phosphate free form of vinegar aka acetic acid. The 600ml bottle of Thrive Aquatics BioStimulant Liquid retails for $19.99 and replacement pouches will set you back $13.99.