The Dosijet 1 from Coral Shop is an innovative stand-alone dosing pump with intuitive onboard controls and special clip-on abilities. The self-contained dosing machinations of the Dosijet 1 are all built into a cylindrical body with a simple control dial opposite the dosing pump end. The smallest Dosijet S1 is so small you could actually put it into your pocket (not that you’d want/need to) and like an iPod Shuffle you can clip it wherever, on your tank, on your sump, or even on the actual dosing container as shown above.
Like the Coral Shop Profitower, the Dosijet 1 offers a novel way to help reefers fit automatic dosing into their reef setups when the configuration of a standard “box doser” may not be the best form factor for the job. The Dosijet 1 will come in three sizes: The DosiJet S1 meters out between 8 and 30 ml per day for 137 Euro, for the same price the Dosijet L1 measures out between 100 and 400 ml per day and the 157 Euro Dosijet XL1 can dispense between 1,300 and 4,200ml over 24 hours.
It was great to see Coral Shop’s little wonder at their InterZoo booth, the way the Dosijet S1 was clipped into its own feed source of dosing liquid is clever way to keep things neat around the aquarium. European reefers can get the Dosijet dosing pumps from specialty reef equipment dealers and the Coral Shop website, and hopefully American reefers will get a turn to score self-contained clip-on dosing pump goodness in the not too distant future.