In their “Evening with an Aquarist” series, progressive aquarium shop Seahorse Aquariums in Dublin Ireland brought Steve Halls to the west side of the British Isles to school 70 attendees on some very modern thinking about managing marine aquarium chemistry. Steve Halls and Kevin Davies have been representatives for Red Sea aquarium products long enough to know a thing or two about marine aquarium chemistry, especially with the research of Sharon Ram leading their research on the shores of the actual Red Sea.
Dublin may be a long way from where you’re reading this, but thankfully Seahorse Aquariums had the foresight to film the Evening with an Aquarist presentation and to upload it to YouTube and share it with the world. Even if you think you have a good handle on managing nutrients and organics in an aquarium setting, or you understand the interplay between calcium, magnesium and alkalinity, Seahorse Aquariums’ “Evening with an Aquarist” features some uncommon knowledge in a ‘lean forward’ presentation that is well worth your attention.