A great new video from Sea Dwelling Creatures shows a killer comparison between a double black-fin Centropyge heraldi and the pygmy angelfish species formerly known as Centropyge woodheadi. Once believed to be a separate species, Centropyge woodheadi with its black tipped dorsal fin is now considered to be a variant of Centropyge heraldi but in recent years we’ve seen more specimens of the yellow angelfish with both the dorsal and anal fins tipped in black. Sometimes the double blackfin yellow angelfish comes from Cebu, often with more of a red color to the anal fin but others like the one at LiveAquaria and Sea Dwelling Creatures are being found in Fiji.
In this video you can easily see not only the color difference of the double blackfin yellow angelfish, but also a general difference in size and shape. Whether the discrepancy between the usual Centropyge woodheadi and this other variant of Centropyge heraldi is a function of sex is hard to know, but the long angled fins definitely seems to point to this guy being a studly male yellow angelfish. The endless variety found in some species of angelfish is what keeps the Pomacanthid lovers coming back for more and we anxiously await the next new color form to be discovered and documented by the marine aquarium trade.