NutriDiet Flake foods from Seachem have been a long time coming. Following on the releases of other specialty foods and additives like the NutriDiet Mealworms, GarlicGuard and Entice, it was probably just a matter of time until Seachem entered the prepared food market. NutriDiet flake food is made for four different broad groups of fish including Tropicals, Goldfish, Cichlids and the one that interests us most, the NutriDiet Marine flakes.
Seachem bills its NutriDiet Marine Flakes as a “premium and nutritionally balanced diet formulated to meet the requirements of all marine fish” and the nutritional profile immediately caught our attention with 43% protein content. Fish Protein and Fish Meal are top billings on the list of ingredients and the addition of Chlorella algae, Vitamin C and Garlic can’t hurt either. For a company that’s been in business for 30 years, it’s not surprising that Seachem now has a high quality flake food and if it took them three decades to release we can be pretty sure that it’ll be worth trying. [Seachem]