Seachem is releasing a flake food under their NutriDiet line. It will be available in Tropical(freshwater), Marine, Goldfish, and Cichlid formulas. Seachem claims their food lacks low-value fillers, and comprises instead of ingredients high in protein and vitamins/minerals. The NutriDiet flakes are also fortified with garlic, chlorella, and extra Vitamin C.
Vitamin C and Garlic have had long been suspected to help immunity and ward off parasites, and the chlorella is an interesting ingredient. Chlorella is a single-celled algae that has been credited with numerous health benefits in humans and animals. For one thing, it is an effective boost of protein and also provides immune support. A more interesting claim is that it binds with heavy metals like mercury and lead, which makes it a detoxifier. Time will tell if the recipe of NutriDiet flakes has a tangible added benefits our marine fish.