Omega Biopellet Reactors are new devices from JNS which take the conventional biopellet fluidizer and turn it on its side. Very similarly to the Coral Shop Denistar product, the JNS Omega reactor uses a kreizel-like design of a disc on tis side to churn all manner of media with great rigor, most suitable for biopellet reactor applications.
The simple modified Kreizel design seems to be very effective at churning the bejeezus out of the semi-buoyant biopellets, with centrifugal force keeping the beads away from the centrally positioned outlet. As far as we can tell, the design of the JNS Omega biopellet reactor precludes it from external usage, and you’ll have to finagle the 10 x 32cm (4 x 9inch) footprint inside the sump.
JNS is making the sideways Omega biopellet reactor in two sizes, to accomodate either half a liter or 1.5 liters of media. If the Alpha series of JNS reactors retail in the neighborhood of $150 with the pump we expect the Omega series to be close in pricing, perhaps even a little less depending on how it is constructed. [JNS]