The OneAqua Air Breeder is a manual air pump that won’t get aquarists all that excited at a trade show but when power is unavailable, you’ll wish you had one. The simple manual air pump simply screws into a standard issue plastic drink bottle to contain the potential energy as pressurized air.
The duration of the air feed depends on the size of the plastic bottle with a 2Liter bottle being able to offer up to an hour of air bubbling at a medium setting. Manual air pumps obviously could come in handy during times of power outage, but it could also be very handy at aquarium shows when acquiring and transporting new livestock such as fish and invertebrates.
Priced in the neighborhood of only $20, the OnesAqua Air Breeder manual air pump is a highly affordable insurance policy against losing aquarium animals. The only trouble is that we don’t know of any companies carrying the handy aquarium safety device in North America or abroad, so hopefully this ingenious idea will see the light of day before the next Hurricane Sandy or Snow-pocalypse event.