The Digital Aquatics SL2 and salinity probe has been offering less than stellar performance and becoming a big thorn in DA’s side. For years the company has been trying to fix this issue and customers have been wondering when the mystery will be solved. There may finally be a resolution as the company announced on its Facebook page this issue has been resolved and units will begin shipping today.
We sincerely apologize to all Digital Aquatics customers who have purchased an SL2 and Salinity probe and didn’t get the performance they expected.
Fixing the SL2/Salinity probe problem has for some time been Digital Aquatics’ top development priority. We are proud to report that our new SL2/Salinity probe is now working and passing our tests. We intend to start shipping the new configuration to all RMA customers tomorrow, and taking sales order July 24th 2013.
We have been committed to fixing the SL2 and Salinity probe, and making our customers who purchased the previous versions of these products whole.
We’ve known about this issue for a few years and have heard rumors the fix would be in soon, but soon never came. Last year we learned about the launch of the next generation of the Digital Aquatics SL2 module and salinity proble — but it seems like this didn’t do the trick.
For the most part, Digital Aquatics has had a solid product over the years this issue really has been a tough pill to swallow for many hobbyists. We are hoping this issue is finally resolved and the company and catch up with clearing up the customer service queue.