EcoTech’s ReefLink wireless controller for the Radion is definitely drawing a lot of attention here at MACNA. We had EcoTech do a walk-through with us, and spent some time playing with it ourselves. One of the things that really stood out was the fit and finish of the user interface. It was really easy to navigate and presented everything in a simple and clean manner. The same concept applies to the unit itself. When it comes to other controllers, there is now redundancy in interfaces. Why bother with a display module, if you already have a well designed web/cloud-based interface? Just pull out your iPad, iPhone, or laptop and do it there. And do it from anywhere…
The responsiveness between EcoSmart Live, the ReefLink, and Radion lights was lightning fast. And not just for the tank a few feet away. Rob from EcoTech pulled up his home reef aquarium up in a drop cam on the iphone, and we were messing with light spectrums instantly even from Ft. Lauderdale.
As already mentioned, VorTech integration is also in the works. Imagine syncing up the waves of multiple tanks in the same room wirelessly. Talk about a neat effect. I think the coolest aspect of the ReefLink is the future potential. Thinking long term, the ReefLink could easily grow into a full fledged controller. The ReefLink seems like a perfect “jump off point” to branch further. But as it stands today, this unit is enough to make this reefkeeper want to switch to Radions and some VorTechs.