With so many corals available on the marine aquarium market today, even experienced reefkeepers can have a difficult time deciding which species to choose. But for the novice reefkeeper, figuring out which corals are beginner-friendly and which are best left to more experienced hobbyists can seem downright overwhelming.
Here at Tidal Gardens, we’re frequently asked to recommend good corals for beginners’ tanks, so I’d like to dedicate this post to the five large-polyp stony (LPS) corals that I consider true standouts when it comes to beauty, hardiness, and overall ease of care.
With no further ado, here are my top five beginner-friendly LPS corals with links to our website for those interested in exploring options and pricing:
1. Blastomussa (Pineapple Corals)
Blastomussa are a great choice for beginners looking to try LPS for the first time. Blastos do not require much flow or light; in fact, they tend to do much better in lower light conditions. Those new to the hobby can keep Blastos with very moderate equipment. Blastomussa also are easily propagated, so tank raised specimens are easy and affordable to come by. If you’re interested in buying pineapple corals?
2. Trachyphyllia (Brain Corals)
Trachyphyllia are the quintessential “brain” corals in the hobby today. Many reef aquarists started this hobby with a trachy as their first coral. They come in a dazzling array of colors and are relatively easy to care for.
3. Acanthophyllia (Meat Corals)
Much less common than other corals on this list are corals from the genus Acanthophyllia. They are close relatives of both the Scolymia and Cynarina. In addition to being exceedingly beautiful corals, Acanthophyllia are among the most resilient corals in the hobby and are easy to care for in just about any type of reef aquarium.
4. Catalaphyllia (Elegance Corals)
Ten years ago, I would never have recommended purchasing a Catalaphyllia, as they had all sorts of disease issues. These days, the elegance corals harvested from Australia are amazingly tough corals and are a joy to keep. With the possible exception of the Acanthophyllia, this coral is the hardiest on the list.
5. Euphyllia (Hammer, Torch, Frogspawn Corals)
Hammers, torches, and frogspawn corals are staples of the LPS tank and are a wonderful option for beginners who are looking to add LPS but still enjoy the flow that accompanies soft coral tanks. Stony corals in general have less movement than soft corals, but corals of the Genus Euphyllia buck that trend in a big way.