The venerable Reef Aquarium Volume 3 has just been released in digital form on iBooks. We wouldn’t call it an ebook, but the third volume in the venerable The Reef Aquarium series is available to read and view on your iPad and other iDevices.
TRA3, the newly released digital version weighs virtually nothing, is infinitely searchable and you can even copy and paste from the text and win that reef aquarium argument you and your friends have had about Magnesium’s role in precipitate poisoning of calcium carbonate.
Of all The Reef Aquariums, volume 3 is the most information dense with details on more contemporary reef aquarium techniques; out of the three books it’s really the one that takes information to the next level, so we’re glad they chose TRA3 to release in digital format first.
Despite already owning TRA3 in physical form, we didn’t hesitate to download the digital edition which we feel is complimentary to the actual book. Congratulations to Charles and Julian for having written a reef aquarium reference with such staying power which you can now download for $24.99 on iTunes.
Unlike the analog version of
iTunes? Really? Oh well … thanks anyway 🙁