Coral Snow is a unique product from Korallen-Zucht, the makers of Zeovit, which is part aquarium water clarifier and part ‘biological facilitator’ for elements in the water column. We don’t know what that last part means exactly, but Coral Snow is awesome and has become part of our weekly aquarium maintenance regimen.
Not to be confused with marine snow, or Two Little Fishies Marine Snow, Coral Snow has nothing to do with feeding corals and everything to do with keeping your aquarium clean and the water clear. Korallen Zucht primarily bills Coral Snow as a water clarifier but it doesn’t just take out the particulates in the water. We view Coral Snow as a liquid additive that clears aquarium water with each application giving results akin to using a little bit of GAC and GFO.
With regular usage the effects of Coral Snow are as if you are constantly using activated carbon to create aquarium water which is also more optically clear, that is less yellow and more colorless. With no data to provide here, we can only tell you from experience that when we regularly use Coral Snow on the high energy SPS dominated coral aquarium, it seems as if Coral Snow exports some level of organics which is then filtered out with mechanical filtration as well as protein skimming which collects the built-up dust making the skimmate look kind of milky. The result of regular use of Coral Snow is just as if we were using activated carbon and an organic adsorption resin. The corals look exceptionally bright and polyp extension appears to be increased right after usage.
We must confess that the application of Coral Snow makes the water unnervingly cloudy, something about water that murky can’t be good for fish and corals can it? But through almost two years of use we’ve never seen an impact on any species of fish, coral, or invertebrate. One particularly nice application of Coral Snow is in fish aquariums where prized surgeonfish might be susceptible to HLLE with the use of activated carbon.
Like most additives, the use of Coral Snow is not going to make or break a reef or fish tank, but it can help. If you’re the type of marine aquarists that likes to experiment, and you like unexpected results, then Coral Snow is a fun one. It doesn’t seem to mess with mineral balance at all and it only helps to reduce organic levels in the water column so this is one product that can only help the aquarium environment. But most of all, you will be amazed at how crystal clear your water becomes after just a single use of Coral Snow.