Ever dreamed of visiting and exploring a coral reef from the comfort of your own home? Well next to having a proper reef tank, the best thing is a new development of the Caitlin Seaview Survey which is documenting a number of the world’s coral reefs with Reef Record.
On the Reef Record website you can see any number of thousands of extensive panoramas of transects made of Australian and Caribbean coral reefs. The massive panoramic transect imagery is an effort to record what the reefs look like now so we can gather as much data about these ecosystems as possible before they change beyond recognition.
The video above is an introduciton by Ove-Hoegh Guldberg, one of the world’s most esteemed coral reef ecologists. In the video Dr. Guldberg explains the reasons for Reef Record and why it is important to catalog the world’s coral reefs. Below you can see an example video of a transect of Holmes Reef, one of the sites where some ornamental reef fish are collected. [Global Reef Record]