This is an intriguing story we had to click on after we saw this baby whale shark swimming in a pool. It seems that the baby whale shark was found off the coast of the Maldives and some people at a local resort captured it and had it in holding tanks. While cute and charming now, they get rather big and do not belong in captivity.
When word got out, conservationists demanded the whale shark be released back in the wild. The resort complied and all was well in the world again, right? Wrong. It seems they actually tried to sell the shark to another resort instead of releasing it in the wild as they said they would.
What resulted now was the shark changing hands and appearing in this pictures taking a 10-minute swim in a saltwater swimming pool. This owner convinced the captors to release it and even gave them gas and money to do so.
It appears this shark is now back in the wild and will hopefully live a long life in the open sea.
[via GRIND.TV]