Seaside Aquatics had a lot of Bubble Magus to show off at Reefapalooza last weekend, and one device we’re glad we got to see is the cute little QQ1 hang on protein skimmer. The Bubble Magus QQ1 is more of a power filter than a hang on skimmer, even though it technically hangs on the side of the tank, but it is a far cry from the Skilter hybrid protein skimmer power filter of old.
Although it has the form factor of a power filter, the Bubble Magus QQ1 is designed strictly for protein skimming tanks up to 30 gallons in volume. A dedicated 8.5 watt needle wheel pump both draws water into the body of the Bubble Magus QQ1 and chops up the incoming air and water into a frothy mixture.
The diminutive size of the Bubble Magus QQ1 hang on nano skimmer is very basic in its design. But priced at just $89 the QQ1 still manages to squeeze in a simple air silencer and a bubble diffuser of sorts which actually is quite an improvement from the Skilter clones we’ve seen in the past.
With its small tank rating and relatively thin glass rating of 12mm, about half an inch, you won’t be bragging to your reef buddies about how amazingly powerful or efficient the Bubble Magus QQ1 is. However if you’ve got a traveling frag tank, a small quarantine tank or other protein skimmer needs on the fly, the Bubble Magus QQ1 can definitely perform to aerate and reduce wastes of seawater in a pinch.