In a rare show of foresight, ReefAPalooza together with World Wide Corals have supported us in documenting a unique experience to share with their attendees for their 2016 conferences. For our third concerted aquarium-centric expedition to natural wild reefs, we visited the little known Indonesian Island of Sumbawa, about halfway between Bali and Flores.

These latter two islands are very well known, we’ve visited them ourselves, but we went to Sumbawa with no expectations and came back with some truly exciting discoveries and observations of very healthy coral reefs and their inhabitants. We have loads of photos and videos to sort, process and upload with you in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, here’s a teaser trailer to demonstrate what it takes to travel beyond ‘first world’ infrastructure.
We are often told that we are “so lucky” to be having these experiences, “living the dream” they say. Follow along with us in this time lapse documentation over the three days we take to travel from Denpasar, Bali to Sumbawa Besar, Sumbawa – from the frenetic traffic of Bali’s capital city to the Bajau villages and remote coast of one of Indonesia’s lesser known islands.

The long journey was well worth the two-car caravan expedition to bring all of our own dive gear, compressor and photo equipment to arrive at one of the most spectacular Indonesian reef areas we have ever visited. Once we start sharing with you all of the corals and reef stories we harvested there, the divers among you will be dying to visit this magical place. In the meantime, sit back, relax, let us regale you some uncommon knowledge and some fantastic imagery, and bit thanks to World Wide Corals and ReefAPalooza for helping to make it happen.