The new Apex aquarium controller was announced by Neptune Systems a little over two weeks ago. This new Apex controller is a condensed and streamlined version Neptune Systems’ flagship aquarium controller, with a few extra special features and many refinements across the board.
The first obvious changes to the new Apex is a radically different look for the Apex head unit, and a completely redesigned Energy Bar 832. Built in wireless connectivity ought to make setting up a new Apex much easier, and a full set of probes including better double junction pH probes start to make the Apex a more complete water monitoring system as well.
One of our favorite new features with the overall Apex System is the inclusion of a salinity port and probe standard. This seems like quite obviously more important than ORP since the majority of us are keeping saltwater aquariums, and most people don’t pay attention or understand what Oxygen Reduction Potential is anyway.
The most dramatic change to the new Apex system is definitely the Energy Bar 832 – this thing is about as far away from the old Energy Bar 8 as it could possibly be, with sooooo much more going on under the hood. Current and watt monitoring for each outlet, three 1Link ports and two DC accessory ports will make this new Energy Bar 832 the total powerhouse for the new Apex controller system.
We’re still one week away from the official release of the new Apex controller system, but we were fortunate enough to catch up with Terence and Curt of Neptune Systems at InterZoo. We sat down with the new Apex gear and Terence to ask him all of our pressing questions, and hopefully it will shed a little more light on what makes the new Apex a worthy successor and fully modernized aquarium controller.