Blue Facts is a free comic book produced by Reef Builders, illustrated by ComiQuarium, and sponsored by the Colorado Organization for Reef & Aquatic Life, also known as C.O.R.A.L., hosts of MACNA 2014 in Denver Colorado. Through this partnership we’ve been able to create a very thoughtful and informative guide to regal blue tangs, which boils down everything you would want to know about this fish, and its special needs in the wild and in the aquarium.
With the release of Finding Dory, the captive breeding of the regal blue tang and the forthcoming ‘Dory Effect’, no marine fish is more in the spotlight right now than the regal blue tang. With this in mind, we’ve been working hard to find some way to do our part to help educate a potential new wave of marine aquarium owners who might potentially want to keep a regal blue tang of their own.
Blue Facts is a cute comic book about the regal blue tang is the perfect responsible move for the aquarium hobby in general. With this free informative guide, both young aquarists and new aquarists can learn all of the most important facts about the regal blue tang before they get one. And thanks to C.O.R.A.L. we’ll be giving these away for free at MACNA this weekend in San Diego.
Be sure to stop by the Reef Builders booth #525 at MACNA to pick up your free copy of Blue Facts, we printed a lot of them but with so many attendees at the big annual conference, we’re sure to run out of copies by the end of the show. See you guys in San Diego!