Algae Barn and Biota Aquariums have teamed up to bring you an awesome MACNA giveaway. All you have to do is visit the Algae Barn booth, have your picture taken with a mermaid, then post your picture online (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with the hashtag #gotpods. Also, make sure to like/follow @AlgaeBarn and @bitoaaquariums.
There will be three winners, one selected from each social media platform, so sharing your photo in all three places gives you three chances to win. The contest is open to residents of the U.S.A and the winners will each receive a pair of mandarins.
We posted this video of our own mandarin pair a few days after they arrived, late June 2016. Algae Barn sent us two bags of their new 5280 pods and the mandarins quickly started roaming the tank and feasting on pods. We slowly added both bags to the tank (over two weeks) and now have a thriving population of copepod established in our tank.
Last month we shared an update of our captive bred mandarins and they are still as cute as can be. Our pair has been fattening up on copepods, and will also accept frozen baby brine shrimp and other small frozen meaty foods.
You don’t want to miss out on this giveaway, so make sure to visit the Algae Barn booth #1115 located in the Atlas Ballroom across from the raffle area.

- Take a photo on the Algae Barn Red Carpet at MACNA 2016
- Share your photo publicly on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram and use the #gotpods
- Like and/or follow AlgaeBarn and Biota: @algaebarn, @biotaaquariums