The EFlux Wave Pumps from Current USA are a very interesting entry to the reef aquarium water flow space. Rather than try to be the best pump in the world, or race to the bottom, the EFlux Pump are a solid offering right in the middle of the propeller pump market.
In our current product space, you either get a stripped down DC pump with the most basic speed control + feed mode, or a balls to the wall water flowing machine that can practically make you breakfast. The Current USA EFlux falls squarely in the middle of that range, with a great concept that works well on its own, but gains additional function when connected to the Loop System.
The body of the EFlux Wave Pumps might be familiar, but there’s only so many ways to spin a propeller, and these pumps are made in-house by Current USA. The generic appearance of the EFlux is completely superficial, as under the hood hides a completely different value proposition.
One look at the controller for the EFlux Wave Pump and you know you’re dealing with a completely different animal. There are actually no buttons on the controller, as an included wireless remote uses basic IR Sensor to program the EFlux pump. We’re in love with the simple yet information-rich display for the EFlux pump, using a series of indicator LEDs to display pump selection, flow mode, and flow intensity.
The heart of the EFlux Wave Pump is the Wave Pump Manifold Hub, a simple central wired box which can link up to three pumps. The EFlux pump hub can connect to the EFlux DC Pump, the Orbit IC LED hub, the main Loop controller-display, and when daisy chained altogether creates a holistic user experience between lighting and water flow.
The EFlux Manifold Hub has a plethora of wires going in and out of it, but with simple labels and color coding it’s dead simple to hook it all up. Cleaning up the wiring is also straightforward with Current USA’s hinged mounting system, both for mounting each of the hubs, display and controller, and as a cable management system to keep it all neat and tidy.
Current USA is offering the EFlux Wave Pumps in three models, and two types of kits. The accessory Wave Pumps include the pump and power supply and are meant to be added to the complete kit. The complete kit includes the pump and power supply and adds a remote, manifold hub, IR Sensor and LED display.
The Complete Wave Pump Kit, with everything you need to enjoy remote controlled water moving goodness costs around $120 for the EFlux 660 gph, about $140 for the EFlux 1,050 gph, and around $170 for the Eflux 2100 gph. Additional pumps with power supplies cost around $75, $90 and $125 for the Eflux 660, 1050 and 2100 respectively.
The complete Loop System and its EFlux pumps are a great way for reefers to get a lot more function from simple propeller pumps, without having to break the bank. If you needed additional incentive, Current USA is currently including the complete EFlux 660 Kit with all of their new Orbit IC LED striplights, which we’ll be going over in a future post. [Current USA]