FocusTronic is a new company that grabbed our attention when they unveiled their new movable LED light. The ability to swivel its LED cluster is something we’ve not seen in an aquarium light before, and we still haven’t seen it from Focustronic before since the light hasn’t been released yet, but that isn’t stopping them from diversifying.
In a memo they shared today, Focustronic announced that it will be joining forces with Jonas Roman who has developed an alkalinity monitor all his own. The new design for an alkalinity monitor has been in development for several months and will use a pH probe to determine alkalinity neutralization.
Interestingly, this marks the third instance that an alkalinity was developed by a hobbyist as a challenging project which was then turned into a commercial product. Current costs of alkalinity monitors ranges well over a thousand dollars but hopefully with more competition and ingenuity in this space, it won’t be long before some engineering savvy companies also get into the fray.
Here’s a demo video of the prototype Alk Monitor from Roman Jonas.