We are hearing good thing about Reef Interest NannoFlakes, an algae-based flake food from the Dutch Company made with nannochloropsis concentrate dried into flakes, suitable for both saltwater and freshwater fish.
Reef Interest NannoFlakes calls the food “a complete diet with essential amino acids and omega 3 fats.” An another nice aspect of the food is the production method results in low nitrate and phosphate, and much less polluting than other fish feeds.
Although nannochloropsis is is pretty common form of algae for fish food, because of the omega 3 acids like EPA, Reef Interests notes the strain they use for NannoFlakes has both EPA and DHA. They also note the nutritional value is better than spirulina flakes.
Aquarium Specialty is carrying this here in the U.S. and they word they gave us is their clownfish and other fish that don’t typically eat algae-based foods are enjoying it. They have even shared this video of their fishs’ feeding response.