With nearly three hundred videos on a myriad of topics, Reef Builders has one of the oldest aquariums channels on YouTube. In that time we’ve featured countless beautiful, rare and exotic animals, and today we want to revisit three of our favorite surgeonfish videos.
It’s no secret that Zebrasoma tangs are among the most beloved of aquarium favorites, due to their smaller size, beautiful color, and hardiness in captivity. One of our personal favorite attributes of the Zebrasoma is their streamlined shape, looking like a futuristic fighter jet with fins outspread, and even more exaggerated when they are small. (perhaps that’s why there’s less mention of black tangs).
Of the Zebrasoma the gem tang, tricolor scopas and white-yellow tang are among the RAREST species and color morphs in this group. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to see, photograph and film many of these in real life, and it’s a real treat taking a trip down memory lane with three videos of these very exotic surgeonfish specimens.