Here are some of the videos that have captured our attention this week. From a strange walking fish, to sharks attacks, whale breaching and fish loving. Enjoy!
These Fins Were Made For Walking
During a recent night dive off the coast of Bali, Indonesia, a diver named Emeric Benhalassa noticed something odd — a fish appeared to be walking across the seafloor on a pair of legs. Now this funny little creature has scientists wondering exactly what species this fish is? Most agree tit is likely a member of the genus Minous, more commonly known as stingfish, but the species? Still up in the air.
That Bites!
Sharks are scary and this video shows exactly why many people have an aversion. Parker Simpson was spearfishing in Key West this week wen he was attacked by an 8-foot reef shark that “came out of nowhere” near Middle Sambo Reef off Boca Chica in the Keys on Sunday. The shark bit Simpson’s left fin then took a chunk out of the right one before biting his leg. He lost more than two pints of blood from the wound.
Whale of a Time
So this guy fishing off the coast of La Jolla in San Diego nearly caught himself being smashed by a whale live on video. Jake Aguirre’s crazy encounter with a migrating humpback whale will get your heart racing for sure.
Queue the Barry White…
This great short video explains what happens during grunion runs. We’ve all probably heard the phrase at one point or another, but what does it really mean? “During the highest tides, California grunion stampede out of the ocean to mate on the beach. When the party’s over, thousands of tiny eggs are left stranded up in the sand. How will their lost babies make it back to the sea?”
More Strange Fish Sex Rituals
Another great video by PBS shows all that goes into the mating ritual of the puffer fish. From building an ornate sand “crop circle” to draw in the female to the quickness of the act itself before the female leaves her eggs and bounces, it is pretty amazing.