Next to fish diseases and power failures, algae outbreaks are the bane of existence for many aquarists. Besides good practices and plenty of algae grazers, we have a good number of tools in our fight against the dreaded green growth but that battle is about to get clinical.
Algae Buster is a new product from ReefHD which has just been registered with the FDA to treat algae problems in saltwater aquariums. Reefers have known for some time that the fungicide Fluconazole is effective at eradicating nuisance algaes, particularly Bryopsis in reef tanks.
We generally advocate using natural biology rather than chemical treatments to get rid of algaes because this treats the causes and not just the symptoms. But in the case of Bryopsis this algae can grow in even the cleanest of tanks, but one treatment of fluconazole seems to eradicate it from the system for good!
For years aquarium product manufacturers have made algaecide treatments for aquariums but due to FDA regulations, were never really permitted to claim these as algaecides. Algae Buster is the first such product that we know of which has been approved registered with a federal agency, it’s safe for use with corals and it might even put a dent in some species of green hair algae as well. [Reef HD]