In 2017 there are classifieds and listings for selling aquarium livestock and gear just about everywhere you look – on local forums, craigslist, facebook and many more. So when we heard that a new application was being launched for mobile devices our first thought was “why?”. But one look at the new CoralReefMKT app and an abundance of answers to that questions were quickly revealed.
Don’t know about you guys but the listings in local forums and groups are so noisy and there’s no rhyme or reason to who’s selling, what’s being sold, or where exactly the goods are to be found, shipped from or picked up. The CoralReefMKT app takes the best features of all these classifieds listing services and streamlines them into one universal go-to app on your smartphone.
At first glance the best part of the CoralReefMKT app is how clean and easy to navigate it is. There’s no web 2.0 corniness to the layout, everything looks clean and straightforward making it very easy to find what you want in any number of ways.
It’s super convenient to peruse the different items being offered and filter them down by coral category, product type or even geographically based what sellers are nearby. Although it launched just a week ago, the CoralReefMKT app already has ample listings for everything from corals, livestock to products and dry goods, both new and used.
With all the noise coming from various social media channels, it’s actually refreshing to have al the window shopping you could ever want altogether in one streamlined app. There’s already some very good listings on there, particularly for certain neat coral strains from general hobbyists, some cool accessories, and we look forward to seeing this how the CoralReefMKT develops as a platform for connecting the reef aquarium hobby.