Thank You!
I want to start out by thanking everyone who has been following the blog, reading, sharing, and commenting on our articles! Thank you so much for the support and helping me spread coral awareness to scuba divers every single day 🙂
ReefDivers started in March 2016 and we are fast approaching our two year anniversary. Over the past year, our community of coral lovers has been growing strong and we are continuing to inspire divers to see the reef with new eyes.
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2017 was a fantastic year for me, and for my blog ReefDivers. At the beginning of 2017 I challenged myself to document every species of Caribbean coral and publish a Guide to Caribbean Corals.
This project was challenging in more ways than I could have imagined and amounts to hundreds, if not thousands of hours spent editing, writing and collaborating with experts to ensure the most accurate up to date online resource for Caribbean Corals.
And all this hard work paid off, you guy all LOVE this guide, and it has been our number one visited page on the website since it was published this summer! Again thank you to everyone who shared the guide, bookmarked the page, and most of all went out scuba diving, inspired to search for corals.
Some of you have even sent me your coral pictures which I absolutely love! If you want to connect please feel free to send me an email
Top 10 of 2017
At the end of each year, I look at all your comments, shares and likes to see which articles you enjoyed the most. This also helps me decide what I will write about next, and lucky for me it seems you are all interested in learning more about corals!
Looks like I have my work cut out for me in the next few years when I will start writing about Pacific corals. We hope you enjoy this recap of the years most popular stories. Be sure to leave a comment below what you want to read more of in the new year.
Cordelia Banks Is The Healthiest Caribbean Reef We’ve Ever Seen
Bangka Island Has A New Dive Site, And You’re Gonna Love It!
Anyone Getting In The Ocean Should Be Using Reef Safe Sunscreen
Introducing The Newest Dive Spot In Tela Honduras – Nikki’s Reef!