As soon as they became known about, convict chalices with a network of fine lines became one of the most highly sought after strains of Echinophyllia corals. Most of the convict chalice corals are a single, solid color such as the colony we spotted in the wild of Flores Indonesia.
But every now and then a colony appears in the reef aquarium hobby with a combination of features to really turn the heads of collectors. This orange eye convict chalice is exactly one of those specimens, sporting the classic pattern of intricate lines but then takes it up a notch by having fluorescent orange oral discs, colloquially referred to as ‘eyes’.
This bold, colorful convict chalice coral colony was featured in the display tank of at Reefapalooza Orlando where it drew many oohs and aahs from coral shoppers and passers by. I didn’t even ask home much this sensational coral was but I knew that taking some video and pics of it to share with you guys would be free.