How did we get to November so quick? Welcome to another edition of the Friday Smorgasbord where we explore the amazing octopus. We have plenty of fun videos to satisfy your cephalopod cravings.
1,000 Octopus and Counting
We may have just found the largest octopus sanctuary in the world. Marine scientists found the largest deep-sea octopus nursery ever discovered in the crevices of an underwater volcano beneath the Pacific Ocean. How many brooding cephalopods are we talking about? 1,000+!
Are You Smarter than an Octopus?
Looking past their eight legs, octopus have other incredible qualities…blue blood, three hearts and a doughnut-shaped brain is just a start, but they also have amazing qualities, abilities and behavior.
Who Ya Calling Dumbo?!?!
These octopus are named after the big eared elephant of Disney fame and are just are remarkable. Check out this amazing video of the rarely observed, ghostly white cephalopod.
Tiny Bubbles, in the Wine…
Don Ho would be proud? Here is an interesting news story on these tiny octopus found off the coast of Hawaii.
Land Lubbers?
Who says the ocean has to define these creatures. See how resourceful they can be when times get tough…the tough get going (out of the water).