Coral Farming on Bangka Island
Over the past year, you will have seen us write many times about diving in Northern Sulawesi Indonesia. This hot spot of biodiversity has quickly become one of our favorite places for scuba diving and our message of recognizing coral diversity is catching on!
On our most recent trip to Bangka Island we had the opportunity to help with the installing and stocking of a new coral farm which is being used for education and coral restoration around Murex Bangka island hotel. This farm is still in its infancy having only been in the water for two months but is already showing signs of success.

The farm around Bangka is being called a coral education nursery, as is intended to educate guests about corals, as well as providing a safe haven for at risk corals that have broken off larger mother colonies.
The Bangka coral farm is set for success with hardy species which are adapted to life in the shallow reefs around Bangka Island. We will keep you updated with the progress of this farm with some new pictures for you next month.
The Cora Education Nursery is part of the Ocean Gardener Courses, which is being offered at both Murex Manado and Murex Bangka. Once students in Bangka have completed four coral identification dives they can visit the coral nursery and help with fragmentation and replanting corals.