Recently we came across a series of pictures taken by Ultra Coral Australia. Shots of some of their new collection of Rainbow Micro Lords, aka Micromussa lordhowensis, and we couldn’t resist to share some with you.
UCA is starting to propagate their best color morphs of Micromussa, and the result is astonishing. We knew Micro Lords could be colorful, but the combination on some of these are truly insane.
It’s not even possible to even start trying to classify their colors, you could imagine any color, pattern and combinations thereof and there’s a pretty good chance that Micro Lords have it. From pink, rusty orange, gold, blue, green, red, yellow, the Micro Lords own all the colors of the rainbow, on their mouth, on their rim or on their rings.
Usually, when these corals are called rainbow when they have a red to yellow gradient through some green on their mouth or ring. But then if you add some pink or blue in the pictures, then I don’t know what it should be called, but it is beautiful.
The diversity of this species is really unique in the coral world. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this species is normally found in high density in the same environment. Living in close proximity allows a constant gene mixing soup that lead to an infinity of color variations in Micro Lords.
This fact made us realize that a Micro tank, containing all the different possible coloration of Micro lords, would be an absolute amazing display, but also a good natural habitat representation. Micro lord, don’t need so much light, but just a nice weak blue light will make the color pop up. Good feeding is definitely important to get a good growth on this species.
Finally if you want to recreate the perfect Micro lord habitat, a species of fish that is always found everywhere on this particular rocky reefs is Ogilbyina novaehollandiae. This small is a funny good looking dottyback with a very special bad temper. So you need to be careful what other fish you put in your tank!