After years of running ReefStock in America, our second ever ReefStock in Australia was totally over the top in terms of a quality reefing experience. This is especially true of our speakers who presented on various topics and kicking off with this year’s MACNA Keynote speaker Vincent Chalias.
Mr. Chalias is intimately familiar with corals of Indonesia and the Indo-Pacific, giving him an excellent foundation against which to evaluate Australian corals, reefs and particular habitats. For the better part of 2019 Mr. Chalias has been working with Ultra Corals Australia to dive and collect and get to know Australian coral reefs, and his many underwater Eureka moments were shared on Reef Builders as they happened.
With this collection of real world encounters and observations under his belt, Vincent collected these experiences into one very concentrated presentation about Australian corals on the southern Great Barrier Reef. This first presentation from ReefStock Australia 2019 is about as close as you can get to seeing and understanding Australian corals from the comfort of wherever you are.
With the eye of an aquarist and a lifetime of discovering, harvesting and especially coral farming in Bali, Indonesia, Vincent Chalias brings a very unique perspective to ‘witnessing’ Australian corals, and what that means for the home aquarist. If you’ve ever wondered, or wanted to see precisely where iconic Ozzie corals like Bowerbanki, gold torch, orange chalice, Scolies and Strawberry Shortcake come from, no other presentation will answer more questions than Vincent’s talk at ReefStock Australia this year.