ReefStock 2020 is still fresh in our reefing minds but we don’t have to rely on just our memories, because the reefing vlogger collective is already beginning to roll out coverage of the show. With the new venue this year ReefStock almost doubled in size making for a whole lot of event management on our part, and we didn’t get to spend nearly as much time at each booth as we’d like.
Thankfully with so many great YouTube channels in attendance, we get to enjoy a wide variety of perspectives on what it was like to attend ReefStock. First out of the gate is Scott Anderson of Mile High Reefers who had a special assistant giving us a kid’s eye view of the show, with some great coral-spotting eye candy to enjoy.
Mr. Saltwater was a mainstay of the first several years of ReefStock way back in the day and for 2020 Mark Callahan returned to Denver to spot some brand new reef aquarium gear. New sumps from Eshopps, a larger macroalgae reactor from Tunze, the Red Sea ReefWaves finally coming into supply, and some fun new aquarium accessories from Two Little Fishies and the fifth generation Radion LED lights by Ecotech Marine made for plenty of fun aquarium technology to appreciate.
We were fortunate to have show sponsor and veteran event producers at Worldwide Corals also in attendance and they brought over 800 corals to Denver and very few of them made the return flight. In addition to giving some closeups at the ReefStock 2020 show floor, they found some time to visit the newest store in the Denver area, Mile High Tides which is just beginning to show the community the style of their reef aquarium store.
We’re still working to catch up on our video footage but in the meantime, we’re glad to see so many of our video and reefing comrades share their own ReefStock experiences this year.