Anytime we find ourselves looking for some reef tank inspiration we head over to Instagram. We find ourselves scrolling through what people have been posting under #reefbuilders and we’re excited to see the hashtag reach nearly 100,000 mentions!
We love to see all the eye-popping tanks, new products, aquacultured fish, and some flaming hot corals come along so please keep sharing! We get really excited when we see innovative new products developed by hobbyists and full tank shots of some truly impressive reefs.
Judging by the feed there are lots of really unique lagoon style tanks incorporating different tropical plants and mangroves. A growing trend that is giving us some new ideas for setting up a second tank.
As we are currently working to fill out our own 8g reef tank, we wanted to share a few of the tiny tanks, recently uploaded with the hashtag Reef Builders. We don’t know any of the reefers below, but we definitely admire their tiny oceans.