Hello ReefStock,
After careful consideration as a team, we’ve decided to postpone our in-person ReefStock event, scheduled to occur March 6-7th, 2021. We continue planning an in-person event for Denver in 2022.
New show dates March 5&6, 2022
ReefStock began as a local aquarium show 2004 in Denver Colorado. Since then ReefStock has grown to become highly anticipated global event, energizing the marine aquarium community. Our roots are strong in Denver and we hope our local community of reefers are enjoying their reef tanks at home.
Due to the proximity of vendors and attendees at our in-person event, we have decided to postpone ReefStock Denver 2021.

Since we can’t meet up in person, ReefStock is still committed to the advancement of the reef aquarium hobby and will be broadcasting ReefStock@Home live video events.
Join us once a month at 2:30CST on the Reef Builders YouTube and Facebook page for live video presentations and Q&A from reef aquarists around the world.