Prodibio may not have invented the idea of using capsules to deliver accurate doses of bacteria and supplements but the company certainly has been synonymous with the concept over the last decade or more. Their Bioptim and Biodigest are very popular with a certain group of reefers who lean into the practice of bacteria + bacteria food to keep reef tanks clean, free of algaes and lower nutrients but Prodibio will soon be releasing a whole new class of additives.
AlkaReef and CalciReef have been available from Prodibio in pre-measured vials for years but this year we’ll see the release of both of these calcium and alkalinity supplements in a more contemporary free-pour kind of bottle. This in itself is nothing all that new but Prodibio will also be releasing a more conventional dry chemical calcium, alkalinity and magnesium as ProMagnesium, ProCalcium and ProCarbonate but there’s also a couple more novel additives that will be joining the range.
Coral Color Booster does exactly what it sounds like and we’d be dismissive if it came from any other up and coming companies with big claims, but Prodibio has some street cred since they rarely release new additives. The last bottle that we’ll be seeing released is called “[N,P]EX” – yes that’s how it’s spelled – and it is a form of carbon source for bacteria to help speed up nutrient export that will be difficult not to confuse with Red Sea’s NO3:PO4X which is commonly called NoPox.