We’ve already recognized Tropic Eden’s new Morroca rock, formerly known as Pukani, as one of the best new products of 2021 and any reefer worth their weight in salt will be impressed by this new creation. Everything about Tropic Eden Morroca just looks and feels totally right with an appearance out of the box that looks almost exactly like the wild Pukani rock after which it was modeled, except that the Morroca rock is even more pink, purple & blue with even more complex and sophisticated shapes.
When you first see and hold Tropic Eden’s Morroca rock you’ll be struck by the detail of the surface and how complex each rock is, being built up from a matrix of thinner branches which are cemented together at really random angles. Even the most cursory inspection reveals that this rock must have taken a lot of time and attention to detail to create an aquascaping material which will look great from the very first day you set up your tank.
We haven’t started stacking it yet but the plethora of nooks, crannies and projecting fingers should further help novice and experienced reefers create some really inspiring rock layouts. The variety of shapes include irregular rocks, arches, and very thoughtfully constructed shelf rock which closely approximate the table Acropora that create the real wild stuff, complete with a small ‘shoulder’ on one end which also helps in the stacking part of aquascaping.
The labyrinthine network inside Tropic Eden Morroca rock should provide ample hiding places for small fish, and enable ample colonization by all the reef life and critters we come to associate with very healthy, developed reef aquariums. Since Morroca is super-natural in its appearance we literally can’t imagine a man made rock of higher visual quality and engaging structure and we know there’s going to be a lot of happy reefers rediscovering the kind of rock shapes that the reef aquarium hobby was literally built from. [Premium Aquatics]