Over the years, as you probably noticed, we have a thing for deep water Acros. Our love for them has never stopped growing mainly because they are just the best Aquarium Acropora because they just bloom and thrive in reef tanks.

Acropora walindii is a very characteristic, deep water acro, like a flattened hispidose Acropora. Its semi horizontal flattened branches on top are very unique. Long tubular corallites extend mostly sideways and horizontally with very few extending vertically, on the upper side of branches, and none on the underside.

Acropora walindii occurs as layered, and tangled arborescent clumps or thickets, in which the branches extends mainly horizontally. This species is found in deep reef sandy slope, below 30 m (90′). Usually mixed in extensive fields, where food settles, with other species of Acropora such as A. carduus, A. subglabra, A. russelli, Anacropora and Seriatopora.
It may not be the most colorful coral in the wild, being just slightly bright yellow/green. But as usual with Deep water acros, it’s only after few months of blue led lighting that their color reach its full potential. Being from such deep water, they should be provided with more moderate lighting and slightly more nutrient rich water.