Small tanks need a small heater, and we’re usually left to choose from a small, 25-watt glass heater or a 10-watt plastic, preset one. But Aqua Medic’s new Micro Heater is tiny and adjustable, and it comes with a remote thermostat and digital display. What’s more, it’s only two inches long and it’s low voltage. It’s the best small heater we’ve ever seen!
We’ve all seen the spread of tiny pico reefs but just like when nano tanks emerged, you need a whole new set of similarly small equipment to run them. We can get tiny pumps and tiny LEDs, but the black plastic preset heaters are limited by not having an adjustable thermostat, a relatively low preset temperature, and compared to Aqua Medic’s Micro Heater are positively lengthy.
The Micro Heater is aimed at heating aquaria up to 10 liters/2.64 gallons. It can be adjusted to heat from 18-24C/64-93f and will work in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. The thermostat kicks in to prevent failure in the On position and it switches off if exposed to the air.
Aqua Medic seems to have mastered heating using DC, not AC voltage (probably because of its small 10-watt power consumption,) and the Micro Heater runs on just 5 volts, and plugs into a USB. It’s an incredibly feature-packed little device that, if reliable and reasonably priced, could revolutionize the Pico tank market for both fresh and saltwater.