Remy, Mark, and Raj have assembled once again for the latest episode of the Reef Therapy podcast. They are equipped with beer, industry news, anecdote, advice, and many recollections of the old days of reefkeeping, as well as an update on the proposed White Lists for wildlife trading and aquaculture in the State of Florida.
For the first time in the new format Reef Therapy, the guys brought in industry expert and trade representative Jeff Turner to update us all on where the FWC is regarding meetings, and also to relay our (the hobby’s) standpoint on all of this, and just which animals are potentially a problem, and which aren’t.
Also, the guys are going to touch on the recent store fires we’ve covered, and just address some electricity etiquette that we should be thinking about and addressing both at home and instore.
So sit back, maybe crack open a craft beer (or water,) if you’re able to, watch, listen and please subscribe to Reef Therapy and leave your thoughts, suggestions, and contributions in the comments.