Rare fish retailer NYAquatic has procured some of the rarest imports in the hobby right now. The Yellowstripe Slopefish, Symphysanodon katayamai, is a colorful, deep water member of the Oceanic basses, capable of growing to 8”/20cm and living at depths of 91-183m/299’-600’. We last covered this species nearly ten years ago, when systematic ichthyologist KaiTheFishGuy wrote up S.katayamai and some of its even deeper dwelling congeners, so to see juveniles of this species alive and well in captivity, and feeding, is a rare treat.

Fishbase states that these Western Pacific fish are on the temperate side, but NYAquatic is keeping two groups of three of them at 76F, and a specific gravity of 1.023. Video confirms they’re eating Hikari Spirulina enriched brine shrimp, bloodworms, and mysis shrimp. They carry a price tag of $2500 each, so will remain super exclusive, but let’s hope they go to a suitably large, deep display, and one run by aquarium professionals who can give them the long-term care they need.
See Kai’s original post below for more info: