I don’t know if it’s the current buzzworthy topic, or if the subject of the bacterial microbiome has been amplified since adding Salem Clemens to the team, but one thing is for sure, the topic is here to stay.
In the grand scheme of things, the marine aquarium hobby is relatively new. Currently, we are in a revolution of sorts with understanding just how our aquariums work on a micro-scale.
A friend of the platform, Orlando Salazar, suggested we get some of the biggest brains in bacteria on an episode of Reef Therapy while everyone was in town for Reefstock Denver. On the episode, we had: Salem Clemens (Reef Builders), Taras Pleskun (Top Shelf Aquatics), Dr. Eli Meyer (Biologist/Owner of Aquabiomics), Dr. Andrew Bouwma (Biologist/Science Educator) and Kenneth Wingerter (Hydrospace).
Our talk skims the surface of a bunch of deeper topics, but like all big conversations, we have to start somewhere. Hopefully this session of Reef Therapy will pique your interest as we dive deeper in future episodes!