Reefing veteran David Saxby received not one but two prestigious awards at the Coral Freaks event in England at the weekend.
Coral Freaks creator Paul Hughes of Advanced Aquarium Consultancy was keen to introduce an awards show for outstanding British reefkeepers. Last week’s sad demise of MASNA and their original Aquarist Of The Year awards in the States, made the birth of the new show’s awards in Britain even more poignant, and we couldn’t think of a better recipient.
Tony Vargas presented the award and judging by David’s emotional reaction when receiving it, we think it meant a lot to him too.
About David Saxby
David’s huge home reef aquarium is one of the most famous in the world, spanning several decades of publicity in magazines, books, and newspapers, as well as transcending in more recent times to websites, and forums, and racking up millions of views on YouTube, social media, and podcasts.
We’ve seen it grow and thrive through the three eras of metal halide, T5 lighting, and LED, and it continues to produce some of the largest homegrown corals and the fattest fish we’ve ever seen.
At eighty years old, David has been an aquarist for seventy years and kept saltwater and reef aquariums since the 1970s. He was instrumental in introducing products such as phosphate remover, roller filters, and now pH controllers, and is showing no signs of slowing down.
David still heads up D-D The Aquarium Solution and remains hugely passionate and engaged in the hobby, (and industry) that he’s become such a big part of.
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